Preparing for COVID-19 when you have liver disease
With COVID-19 now circulating widely across Queensland it is a good idea to be prepared if you happen to catch it, especially if you have a chronic liver disease.
While official numbers show that almost 5% of Queenslanders have contracted the virus, it is estimated the actual number of people with the virus is much higher.
So how do you prepare to keep yourself, your family and your friends safe?
Get vaccinated
COVID-19 vaccines and boosters have been proven to be safe and effective, even for those with liver disease. Vaccinations are available from GPs, pharmacies and Queensland health vaccination locations across the state.
Prepare a Get COVID-Ready Kit
If you get COVID-19 and your doctor advises you it is safe to isolate and recover at home, keep the following items handy:
- A thermometer
- Pain relief
- Two weeks supply of your regular medications
- A plan for who can look after your children, pets, or people in your care if you have to go to hospital.
- Masks, hand sanitiser and gloves
- A plan for how you’ll get food and essentials
- Phone numbers for services and people outside your home you can call for help
- Stay-at-home activities
- COVID-Ready Kit checklist (Qld Health)
- COVID-19 Readiness Family Plan (Qld Aboriginal and Islander Health Council)
Prepare a COVID Care Plan
The COVID Care Plan lists essential information about your health and household should you need to go to hospital. It can be shared with your doctor, hospital staff, family members and friends.
If you get sick
- Get tested. Find out what type of test you need and where to get it.
- Isolate. If you test positive you will need to isolate for 7 days from your test result. Call 134 268 if you do not have a suitable place to isolate.
- Seek medical advice if you have a chronic health condition. Your doctor or specialist may need to monitor your condition or advise you to go to hospital.
- Don’t stop taking your regular medication unless advised by your doctor to do so.
- Tell the people you live with and have been in contact with. Household contacts will need to isolate as well.
- Use your COVID-Ready kit.
- Take care of yourself. Explore tips on how to look after your mental wellbeing.
If you are living with a chronic health condition such as liver disease and you get COVID-19, it is important that you seek medical advice.
Useful contacts and links
- Hepatitis Queensland COVID FAQs
- National Coronavirus Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offers translation services. Call 1800 020 080.
- Queensland COVID-19 Hub or call 134 268
- Translated COVID-19 Resources
- ASHM COVID-19 taskforce on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health
- Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) COVID-19 Resources
- Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- World Hepatitis Alliance COVID-19 Hub