Team Spotlight: Winnie - Project Officer
Each month we’re featuring a member of the Hepatitis Queensland team so you can get to know us. This month we’d like to introduce Winnie, one of our Project Officers.

How long have you been with Hepatitis Queensland?
3 years
What’s a typical day like?
Being a project officer, an ‘average or typical’ day doesn’t really exist. It’s often hard for me to articulate and describe what I do – it’s a wonderful jumble of everything from project management, taking infoline calls, troubleshooting, deep dive sessions with our teams, designing campaigns, running hep C testing and treatment clinics to the standard meetings and calls. I keep my day as structured as possible but I’m also very agile in adapting to rapid changes as needed.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I love that not every day is the same, I am always constantly growing and pushing boundaries with what we do and how we innovate. For me, effort + execution = evolution and that’s what I apply to everything I do here at Hepatitis Queensland. In particular, one of the things I thoroughly enjoy is going out doing outreach activities and clinics – seeing the positive impact we make to the community reassures me that we are doing a good job. I am also incredibly lucky to work with such a supportive, loving, and fun team.
What has been your favourite project so far?
I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the projects I’ve been involved in however one significant one would be the Community Corrections Hep C testing and treatment clinic. The unique project allows us to provide onsite testing and treatment to people reporting to community corrections. We’ve seen some remarkable transformations and outcomes from the patients that have completed treatment through our clinic. One of my other highlights would be the Test Cure Live Roadshow in 2019. Some of the people that we got to work with and connect with on our roadshow recharged my interest and passion for the sector. It was one of the best experiences!
What do you like to do when you’re not at work?
I love being outdoors and soaking in the sun. I find that yoga, going for a hike, riding a bike calms my mind and allows me to recharge. I also love to cook and dance when I get time to!
What three words best describe you?
Kind, resilient, energizer bunny.
Who inspires you?
My Mum! She has taught me everything I know about thriving in life. She taught me all about trusting your judgment, always staying open minded, being a good person and that everything happens for a reason. Basically, any valuable life lesson I have learnt is from her. Everything she has done to make our lives amazing is my ongoing inspiration and motivator.
If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring?
Endless supply of water, my dog and a swiss army knife.